Create a brand for WindTre, Italy’s leading telco, for their innovative, new venture: an independent network provider


WindTre, Italy’s leading telco, was spinning off its physical network assets into a separate joint venture, a neutral network offering for third parties. As such, it needed a brand to take to market.


Create a brand for WindTre’s newest venture that captures the novelty of this new network offering.


I conducted a series of interviews with the WindTre executive team, serving as research to inform the positioning. Through this, I learnt that this offering would have an important differentiating attribute: neutrality. In a market where network operators leasing their assets have a conflict of interest, this separate venture would be free from that. From that core tenet, I developed a set of values, as requested by the client, and wrote a creative brief for the visual identity.


Network infrastructure providers are telcos who also use the assets they are providing, and by definition, cannot be completely neutral or open and have a conflict of interest.


The most trusted, open and reliable network. Wind Tre’s NetCo is different in that its independence gives it neutrality and openness others can’t have, coupled with solid network experience as Italy’s largest telco.


Working with Creative, we developed a longlist and subsequently, shortlist of names, using the 3 values as anchors, some closer to one value, than another.


CK Delta | Rebrand